• Workplace

    Creating a reverse model for Customer Service

    Thu Feb 25 2021
    . 4 min read

    <p>If you own a business, you probably know that customers are an essential part of keeping that business going. But you probably are also aware that marketing techniques that worked a decade or more ago are not necessarily relevant anymore. EContent summarizes this thusly: &ldquo;Unfortunately, old marketing tactics will no longer cut it for new CX thinking. Mass-marketing, stand-alone campaigns, product-centric messages, and programs that don&rsquo;t tie tactics to ROI are not conducive to positive customer experiences. Instead, brands need to rely on innovative strategies to ensure they deliver a personalized, relevant, and exceptional experience their customers will enjoy whenever, whenever, and however they want.&rdquo;</p> <br /><p>So how do you do this? &ldquo;Marketers can create a new battle plan by &ldquo;reverse engineering&rdquo; the customer experience, which involves deconstructing, analyzing, and reworking your company&rsquo;s current customer interactions to help optimize CX more quickly and with fewer resources in the future.&rdquo;</p> <br /><p>These are the six steps EContent recommends to start the reverse engineering process:</p> <br /><p>- Understand your customers: in order to know how best to sell, you have to know who you are selling to in the first place.</p> <br /><p>- Assess where you stand: is your company behind the times? Are you constantly ahead of the curve? How can you use or modify this to improve your customers&rsquo; experience?</p> <br /><p>- Realign your organization: you have to figure out how to most effectively interact with your customers and make sure that messaging is consistent throughout your organization.</p> <br /><p>- Establish new methods: this way you can focus on your customer&rsquo;s &ldquo;buying journey.&rdquo;</p> <br /><p>- Implement an &ldquo;experience command center&rdquo;: this is a great way to start automating what processes you can to focus more time on customer experiences.</p> <br /><p>- Measure effectiveness: after you&rsquo;ve started this process, take a step back and review how it&rsquo;s going. What works? What doesn&rsquo;t? What will you carry into the future?</p> <br /><p>You already know your customers are important. Reverse engineering the customer experience can help keep your customers on-board with your company going into the future.</p>