• Workplace

    How important is emotional intelligence to a supervisor?

    Fri Jan 15 2021
    . 5 min read

    <p>We&rsquo;ve all had that one boss &ndash; the one who yells, who micromanages, who gets angry easily, who talks down to their employees and demoralizes them. Do we remember that boss fondly? Did we enjoy that job? Or was our potential enjoyment of the job decreased by having to face that one person every workday?</p> <br /><p>Emotional intelligence involves five key factors: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills. If you&rsquo;re a supervisor or manager, how important is it for you to demonstrate high emotional intelligence? It&rsquo;s actually a fairly significant thing to consider.</p> <br /><p>It&rsquo;s likely that the manager in the above scenario was not emotionally-intelligent. They lacked empathy and the ability to motivate their employees. Their lack of self-regulation meant they lost their temper easily.&nbsp;</p> <br /><p>An emotionally-intelligent leader will be more aware of their strengths and faults. They&rsquo;ll have greater self-control. Motivation, empathy, and good social skills will make it easier for them to interact with their employees effectively.&nbsp;</p> <br /><p>&ldquo;Managers such as these can help build the important foundation of trust, respect and positive attitudes among their staff. Employees want to be valued and respected, yet research conducted by TalentSmart revealed that 85% of business people do not &ldquo;feel&rdquo; that they are valued and respected by management. And according to an article from Harvard Business Review, this could be because most senior executives lack empathy.&rdquo;</p> <br /><p>For a supervisor, it&rsquo;s vital that they can effectively communicate with their employees in order to help them stay motivated. Trust is also a big part of the equation &ndash; do your employees trust your leadership style? Do you trust that your employees are doing the best they can?</p> <br /><p>Emotional intelligence is a hugely important element to consider in the workplace. How would you rank your emotional intelligence</p>