• Workplace

    What is the best type of conflict management, and why?

    Thu Jan 28 2021
    . 4 min read

    <p>Any kind of workplace with two or more people in it is bound to encounter conflict of one sort or another at some point. The certainty of this fact means that it&rsquo;s essential to know the five types of conflict management. They are: Accomodating, Avoiding, Compromising, Collaborating, and Competing. But is one method better than another?</p> <br /><p>&ldquo;Accomodating&rdquo; means that you disregard what you want or need so that others can get what they want or not. It&rsquo;s similar to compromise, but it generally ignores your wishes to create an agreement between the conflicted parties. Per the G2 Learning, Hub, &ldquo;A big part of conflict management is realizing when elongating the resolution process will only make things worse.&rdquo;</p> <br /><p>&ldquo;Avoidance&rdquo; means you stay away from the conflict completely. However, ignoring a problem generally doesn&rsquo;t make it go away.&nbsp;</p> <br /><p>&ldquo;Compromising&rdquo; means you work to find a middle ground between the two (or more) parties so that each side is getting something they want. If no other progress has been made towards a resolution, sometimes compromise is the best bet.&nbsp;</p> <br /><p>&ldquo;Collaborating&rdquo; means working with the involved parties to find a satisfactory solution for everyone. Per G2, &ldquo;A win-win situation is obviously the best case scenario, but it can sometimes be the hardest to reach. Honest communication with internal communication software, or in person, is crucial when using a collaborative conflict management style. All concerns need to be openly expressed for them to be addressed in the solution.&rdquo;</p> <br /><p>&ldquo;Competing&rdquo; means you won&rsquo;t back down on what you want. You are set on getting your way and disregard other perspectives.</p> <br /><p>So if you&rsquo;re a manager and your team is experiencing a conflict, what&rsquo;s the best way to handle it? Based on G2&rsquo;s definitions, collaboration is probably the most effective option. It means that everyone gets at least some form of what they want and that your employees will know that you are truly listening to them. A respected employee is &ndash; generally &ndash; a happier employee.</p> <br /><p>How can you effectively collaborate with your team today?</p>